Waxing Crescent
As the sun starts moving closer to the new moon, it becomes illuminated again. A crescent appears, revealing a thin sliver of light just before it waxes into a first quarter moon. On a spiritual level the waxing moon represents intention, hopes, and wishes. After recharging under the new moon, you may start to feel more motivated & ready to embrace your desires! This is when you should spend time breathing life into your intentions, taking the first steps toward your goals, and getting excited about the journey that lies ahead.
Jenn created this piece to show new beginnings in her life. The sun is watching over the waxing crescent moon. Providing comfort during the new beginning. Unsure of change. Unsure of the next steps in her future. Something we can all relate to…
New Moon Print
The artwork for this particular print was created by the lovely Jenn Stoltz! Originally a custom piece created in 2003, this was a very large chalk & colored pencil drawing. In 2012 we decided to scan it in and do some editing via Photoshop. Much was changed but is truer to Jenn’s original vision. Jenn also personally created the original artwork for our print ‘Dreams‘. With her husband Jack, she is co-owner of this website & Jack obsessively designs the diver helmet ‘Submerged‘ series of prints.