Submerged Collection
13 Unique Diver Helmet Prints
1 | Submerged
Originally created in 2009, ‘Submerged’ was the one that started it all. A relentless obsession focused weirdly and squarely on old diver helmets.
An odd passion of designing unique diver helmet prints that has continued past a decade and counting now. This might be our most simplistic design but perhaps our deepest.
2 | Emerged
Emerging from the depths of the deep in 2012. ‘Emerged’ is the sequel to the original. Shining a spotlight on the old but new.
He might be #2 but he is always a retro futuristic diver helmet boy. And has the class, sophistication, and charm to pull it off. We liked him so much he became the face of Stoltz Design.
3 | Creature Feature
Since 2013, our boi ‘Creature Feature’ is half octopus, half showmanship. His cloche is his stage. He is an outgoing cephalopod with all the right moves. Some things never get old and Creature Feature hopes to be entertainment forever.
4 | Time Keeper
It’s pretty easy to define who the ‘Time Keeper’ is without having to explain much. He who keeps the time. Well, since 2014 any way.
Time Keeper reminds you that NOW is the only thing that is real.
5 | Smooth Operator
Smooth Operator is the guy behind the guy. A deep sea delinquent running the show from below. Seas the day since 2015.
An underwater heavy machine operator that will enforce just the right amount of pier pressure. From coast to coast, he’s the inside guy on the sly. Running a tiny team that goes behind the scenes!
6 | Major Tom: Space Oddity
‘Major Tom: Space Oddity’ is an homage to an homage. Maybe one day someone will take it a step further and homage this as well. Or maybe not.
Although David Bowie literally invented Major Tom, about 14 years later another musician would come along and pay homage to Major Tom as well. Then we would create this 33 years later paying homage to him.
7 | Where's William?
The original photo was taken in 1919 aboard the U.S.S. Mississippi during WWI. My Great-Grandpa William Faulkner was aboard the giant NAVY vessel. He is the only human in the photo.
8 | Out From the Deep
Out from the Deep is an enigma. The motives are unknown. Behavior is very difficult to interpret. There is no discernible rhyme or reason. Our mysterious mariner is a recluse.
A deep sea drifter with no solution to the paradox it presents. Nothing to really go on. Except the imposing eye. You see it…but do you sense it? The eye is always watching. It came out from the deep.
9 | Subzero Hero
You either die of frostbite, or live long enough to see yourself become the abominable villain. This is what happens when heck freezes over and the stupid 2019 weather is below zero for too long. Even the most chillaxed of heroes can suffer from seasonal depression.
Allow me to break the ice and introduce our chilly compadre Subzero Hero.
10 | Bait Boy
Bait Boy is our favorite designated diver. Sometimes known as The Codfather, he certainly enjoys life at sea.
Always a loan drifter but always the best shipmate to have around. Our secret sailor is an old timey aqua marine. A carefree cadet who enjoys taking orders from the captain & takin care of the baitin’. Since 2019!
11 | Moss Boss
Much like real moss, ‘Moss Boss’ happened organically over a period of time in 2021. A total aquaholic. This coastal castaway is full of some deep seacrets. He enjoys moss and he is a boss. Come sea for yourself. Just keep it weird!
12 | Natures Revenge
Detach yourself from the modern world that has sucked the soul out of our collective lives.
One of these days, our old and outdated technology and self-importance will be pointless as nature straight up takes it all back. In the end, nature will always win.
13 | Only Happy When it Rains
Too much nostalgia can just straight up make you sing the blues.
A feeling of both being happy and sad at the same time is quite confusing. Most people would call this ‘bittersweet’ but there is more to it. The constant yearning for the return of what is now gone. The comforting feel of nostalgia but always accompanied by the sadness it eventually brings.
Unique Diver Helmet Prints
We hope that when you think of diver helmet prints that this is your one and only source. We’re all about it and have no plans on ever stopping. We hope you enjoy your stay.